This drug is used in the treatment of insomnia and restless sleep syndrome, it blocks the binding of the neuropeptides orexins, which promote wakefulness, to its receptors. It is used for temporary or chronic insomnia.If you have previously had allergic reactions (itching, rash, etc.) to any medications or food.
It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.
If you are taking any other sleeping pills.
Dosing schedule
Your dosage schedule as prescribed by your doctor.
Usually, adults should take 20 mg of the active ingredient at a time; and elderly patients should take 15 mg of the active ingredient at a time; once a day, just before bedtime. The dose can be increased to 10 mg of the active ingredient at a time; once a day, just before bedtime, depending on concomitant medications. This medicine contains 15 mg of the active ingredient per tablet. Follow the instructions strictly.
Take the medicine immediately before going to bed. Do not take medicine if you need to get up and work after a few hours of sleep.
You should avoid taking the drug during meals and immediately after meals.
If you miss a dose, take a dose when you have enough time before waking up the next morning. You should never take two doses at the same time.
If you accidentally take a dose higher than prescribed, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Possible adverse reactions to this medicine
The most commonly reported adverse reactions include drowsiness, headache, and fatigue. If any of these symptoms occur, consult your doctor.