Biotin (vitamin h or B7) is a water—soluble biologically active element that performs synthetic, metabolic and anti-inflammatory functions. It is a key component of four enzymes from the class of synthetases, ensuring their normal functioning. Biotin participates in the metabolism of BCG, helps the body to use these nutrients correctly, ensuring the accumulation and expenditure of ATP during the construction of tissue cells.
Biotin deficiency is a rare phenomenon, since the body is able to synthesize it in the intestine in the presence of normal microflora. However, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiency conditions, the body undergoes a shortage of this vitamin. The daily requirement for biotin for adults is approximately 50-100 mg, but during pregnancy this requirement increases to 250 mg. Adequate intake of vitamin b7 through food or other sources helps to maintain the health of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, hair and nails.Vitamin b7 plays an important role in the formation of amino acids: leucine and keratin. In addition, biotin promotes the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate in the process of splitting carbohydrates, which is necessary for all physiological reactions. There are several main tasks that vitamin performs in the body:
it provides metabolic and anabolic processes;
It serves as a source of keratin, the "building material" of skin, hair and nails;
It promotes the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds in the liver and the cortical layer of the kidneys, which is especially important during fasting and during active physical activity;
restores the integrity of damaged muscles and skin;
normalizes the structure of vascular walls by enhancing the functions of vitamin C;
participates in the transport of carbon dioxide from oversaturated tissues to undersaturated ones;
It plays a role in the formation of the nervous system in the fetus.
What is vitamin biotin for women?
One of the main roles of vitamin H is to maintain the health of hair, nails and skin, which led to the creation of the nickname "beauty vitamin". Biotin helps to stimulate the natural formation of collagen, and collagen, in turn, is responsible for the youthfulness of keratinocytes, slows down the cross section of the tips.
The biologically active component has a beneficial effect as a prophylactic against seasonal hair loss or from hair loss due to their fragility. It should be noted that the use of B7 has a cumulative effect, and the longer a person takes it, the better the structure of tissues containing keratin becomes.
Biotin has a beneficial effect on the skin, increasing its elasticity and giving a healthy appearance, as well as counteracting the aging processes. It is often recommended for seborrhea, alopecia, dermatitis and psoriasis.
Taking b7 has a positive effect on maintaining a healthy weight, as it is actively involved in fat metabolism. In addition, this vitamin helps to normalize blood glucose levels, which is important during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Stable glucose levels also play a significant role in regulating the emotional state of women.
Why do men need biotin?
Vitamin h biotin is an important element that plays a role in maintaining the health and attractiveness of men. It effectively combats the problem of baldness, improves the condition of the skin and reduces the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdominal area. In men over 40 years of age, it is especially important to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins, since it is during this age period that the intensity of metabolic processes in the body decreases.
Maintaining a sufficient level of biotin is an essential condition for successful muscle gain. Therefore, the use of vitamin in sufficient quantities is necessary for athletes engaged in sports with additional burdens.
What is vitamin b7 for in diabetes mellitus?
B7(H) molecules play a key role in carbohydrate metabolism and are involved in the synthesis of glucokinase, an enzyme that regulates glucose metabolism. It should be noted that glucose levels are especially important for patients with diabetes mellitus, since the content of glucokinase in their liver is lower than in healthy people.
Signs of biotin deficiency
The deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:
the formation of age spots on the skin of the face;
peeling and dryness between fingers and toes;
dry eye syndrome;
loss of a large amount of hair, decrease in density;
brittle nails;
impaired appetite;
apathy, depressive states;
high cholesterol levels in the blood.
If there is a suspicion of a lack of biotin in the body, it is recommended to conduct a laboratory analysis to measure its level in the blood. Determination of a value below 100 ng/l is considered an indication for starting treatment of deficiency. However, it should be borne in mind that this is not an entirely accurate indicator, and it is preferable to rely on an increased level of excretion of the biotin metabolite in urine (more than 195 mmol / 24 hours).
Method of application: for rejuvenation and cleansing of the body, 1-2 ampoules per day. The course of 3-10 procedures. It can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.