Dietary supplements for the brain and nervous system
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L-serine 500 mg 60 caps.
Product Information
L-serine is an amino acid that performs a number of important functions. This drug is used to protect the functions of the brain, nervous system, mental health and the appearance of the skin. Based on available clinical studies, L serine is favorably absorbed by the body. L-serine is an amino acid that plays an important role in the production of proteins, DNA and cell membranes. It is an insignificant amino acid, which means that we do not need to get it from food. The body can produce enough serine on its own, but this is not always the case. In case of work disorders and diseases of the nervous system, this amino acid is deficient in our body and in this case the body needs more of it. To do this, it is necessary to take it additionally in the form of a drug.
L-serine plays a role in the formation of all five bases of DNA and RNA (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil).
L-serine is converted to D-serine by an enzyme called serine racemase. D-serine is mainly found in the brain. It helps stimulate the nervous system and is important for cellular communication in the brain.
L-serine and D-serine are important in the process of tryptophan production in the body. Tryptophan produces serotonin, which ultimately affects mood, digestion and sleep.
L-serine also increases creatine levels, which helps to increase muscle mass in the body.
It is also involved in the production of antibodies (immunoglobulins) and is a precursor to other amino acids such as glycine and cysteine.
Phosphatidylserine, formed by molecules of L-serine and 2 fatty acids, is one of the main neuroprotective agents in nerve cells. It is vital for maintaining brain health.
1) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Recently, L-serine has been studied for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is caused by the destruction of nerve cells and eventually leads to fatal muscle weakness.
In a study involving 20 patients with ALS, taking L-serine for 6 months slowed the progression of the disease.
In vitro, L-serine inhibited the activity of defective amino acids that are involved in the development of ALS.
2) Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) causes symptoms such as severe fatigue, pain, and discomfort. According to preliminary studies, these symptoms may be associated with low serine levels in the blood.
Taking L-serine in 28 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome significantly reduced physical symptoms after 15 weeks of treatment.
3) Symptoms of HSAN1 (Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy)
HSAN1 is a brain disease that causes loss of sensation in the legs.
In a study of 14 patients with HSAN1, taking L-serine for 10 weeks prevented disease progression. He also improved the sensitivity in his legs.
4) Improved sleep
Small doses of L-serine before bedtime can improve sleep quality.
In a study involving 53 participants who had trouble sleeping, taking L-serine for 4 nights improved sleep quality and the ability to fall asleep.
5) Seizures
Serine deficiency may be associated with seizures, and L-serine is being investigated as an additional treatment approach.
Some patients suffering from seizures have low levels of L-serine. One week of L-serine treatment reduced seizures, involuntary movements, muscle spasms and uncontrolled muscle rigidity in two patients.
6) Alzheimer's disease
L-serine reduces the accumulation of proteins (neurofibrillary tangles) in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer's disease. Cell studies show that these entanglements can be reduced by exposure to L-serine.
In monkeys with neurofibrillary tangles, 4 months of daily intake of L-serine significantly reduced the amount of proteins associated with Alzheimer's disease.
D-serine may also play a role in the detection of Alzheimer's disease. Some patients with Alzheimer's disease have low levels of D-serine.
However, other studies have not found a significant difference in the amount of D-serine in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease compared with brains without it.
7) Blood flow in the brain
Ischemia occurs when there is a lack of blood supply to any organ in the body. In animal and cell studies, scientists have studied the potential of L-serine in stimulating blood flow in the brain and protecting nerve cells.
9) Depression
In one study in rats, L-serine reduced depression by increasing levels of both L-serine and D-serine in the brain.
Potential effects of D-serine
According to limited clinical data and animal trials, D-serine supplements may help with mental disorders such as:
Post-traumatic syndrome
The recommended dosage for taking L-serine is 500-2000 mg per day.
This drug does not reveal any special side effects and is absolutely safe.